Kieker 1.7

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractRepository

Uses of AbstractRepository in kieker.analysis

Methods in kieker.analysis that return types with arguments of type AbstractRepository
 Collection<AbstractRepository> AnalysisController.getRepositories()
          Delivers an unmodifiable collection of all repositories.
 Collection<AbstractRepository> IAnalysisController.getRepositories()
          Delivers an unmodifiable collection of all repositories.
 Map<MIRepository,AbstractRepository> AnalysisController.AnalysisControllerWithMapping.getRepositoryMap()
          Getter for the property AnalysisController.AnalysisControllerWithMapping.repositoryMap.

Methods in kieker.analysis with parameters of type AbstractRepository
 void AnalysisController.connect(AbstractPlugin plugin, String repositoryPort, AbstractRepository repository)
          Connects the given repository to this plugin via the given name.
 void IAnalysisController.connect(AbstractPlugin plugin, String repositoryPort, AbstractRepository repository)
          Connects the given repository to this plugin via the given name.
 void AnalysisController.registerRepository(AbstractRepository repository)
          Deprecated. This method will not be for public use in Kieker 1.8. Use the new constructor instead.

Constructor parameters in kieker.analysis with type arguments of type AbstractRepository
AnalysisController.AnalysisControllerWithMapping(AnalysisController controller, Map<MIPlugin,AbstractPlugin> pluginMap, Map<MIRepository,AbstractRepository> repositoryMap)
          Creates a new instance of this class using the given parameters.

Uses of AbstractRepository in kieker.analysis.plugin

Methods in kieker.analysis.plugin that return types with arguments of type AbstractRepository
 Map<String,AbstractRepository> AbstractPlugin.getCurrentRepositories()
          This method delivers an array of AbstractRepository containing the current repositories of this instance.
 Map<String,AbstractRepository> IPlugin.getCurrentRepositories()
          This method delivers an array of AbstractRepository containing the current repositories of this instance.

Methods in kieker.analysis.plugin with parameters of type AbstractRepository
 void AbstractPlugin.connect(String reponame, AbstractRepository repository)
          Connects the given repository to this plugin via the given name.
 void IPlugin.connect(String name, AbstractRepository repo)
          Connects the given repository to this plugin via the given name.

Uses of AbstractRepository in

Subclasses of AbstractRepository in
 class DescriptionRepository
          Implementation of a description repository which stores descriptions for names.
 class TraceColorRepository
          Implementation of a trace color repository, which associates colors to traces.

Uses of AbstractRepository in

Subclasses of AbstractRepository in
 class SystemModelRepository
          This repository is a model manager for the Kieker's component model.

Kieker 1.7

Copyright 2013 Kieker Project,