Kieker 1.7

Class AnalysisController

  extended by kieker.analysis.AnalysisController
All Implemented Interfaces:
IAnalysisController, IProjectContext

public final class AnalysisController
extends Object
implements IAnalysisController

The AnalysisController can be used to configure, control, save and load an analysis instance. It is responsible for the life cycle of the readers, filters and repositories.

Andre van Hoorn, Matthias Rohr, Nils Christian Ehmke, Jan Waller

Nested Class Summary
static class AnalysisController.AnalysisControllerWithMapping
          This is a wrapper for the AnalysisController which contains a mapping between the model instances and the actual objects as well.
static interface AnalysisController.IStateObserver
          This interface can be used for observers which want to get notified about state changes of an analysis controller.
static class AnalysisController.STATE
          An enumeration used to describe the state of an AnalysisController.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface kieker.analysis.IProjectContext
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an AnalysisController instance.
AnalysisController(Configuration configuration)
          Constructs an AnalysisController instance using the given parameter.
AnalysisController(File file)
          This constructors creates an AnalysisController instance, using the given file to load an analysis model.
AnalysisController(File file, ClassLoader classLoader)
          This constructors creates an AnalysisController instance, using the given file to load an analysis model and the given classloader to initialize the objects.
AnalysisController(MIProject project)
          Creates a new instance of the class AnalysisController but uses the given instance of MIProject to construct the analysis.
AnalysisController(MIProject project, ClassLoader classLoader)
          Creates a new instance of the class AnalysisController but uses the given instance of @link{Project} to construct the analysis.
AnalysisController(String projectName)
          Constructs an AnalysisController instance using the given parameter.
Method Summary
 void connect(AbstractPlugin src, String outputPortName, AbstractPlugin dst, String inputPortName)
          This method should be used to connect two plugins.
 void connect(AbstractPlugin plugin, String repositoryPort, AbstractRepository repository)
          Connects the given repository to this plugin via the given name.
static AnalysisController.AnalysisControllerWithMapping createAnalysisController(MIProject project, ClassLoader classLoader)
          This is a factory method which can be used to create a new instance of AnalysisController, but delivers the mapping between the MIProject and the actual analysis.
 MIProject getCurrentConfiguration()
          This method delivers the current configuration of this instance as an instance of MIProject.
 Collection<AbstractFilterPlugin> getFilters()
          Delivers an unmodifiable collection of all filters.
 String getProjectName()
          Delivers the current name of the project.
 String getProperty(String key)
          Delivers the value for the given (global) property within the analysis.
 Collection<AbstractReaderPlugin> getReaders()
          Delivers an unmodifiable collection of all readers.
 Collection<AbstractRepository> getRepositories()
          Delivers an unmodifiable collection of all repositories.
 AnalysisController.STATE getState()
          Delivers the current state of the analysis controller.
 void handleKiekerMetadataRecord(KiekerMetadataRecord record)
          Called whenever an KiekerMetadataRecord is found inside the filters network.
static MIProject loadFromFile(File file)
          This method can be used to load a meta model instance from a given file.
 void registerFilter(AbstractFilterPlugin filter)
          Deprecated. This method will not be for public use in Kieker 1.8. Use the new constructor instead.
 void registerReader(AbstractReaderPlugin reader)
          Deprecated. This method will not be for public use in Kieker 1.8. Use the new constructor instead.
 void registerRepository(AbstractRepository repository)
          Deprecated. This method will not be for public use in Kieker 1.8. Use the new constructor instead.
 void registerStateObserver(AnalysisController.IStateObserver stateObserver)
          Registers the given instance as a new state observer.
 void run()
          Starts an AnalysisController instance.
 void saveToFile(File file)
          This method can be used to store the current configuration of this analysis controller in a specified file.
static void saveToFile(File file, MIProject project)
          This method can be used to save the given instance of MIProject within a given file.
 void saveToFile(String pathname)
          This method can be used to store the current configuration of this analysis controller in a specified file.
 void terminate()
          Initiates a termination of the analysis.
 void terminate(boolean error)
          Initiates a termination of the analysis.
 void unregisterStateObserver(AnalysisController.IStateObserver stateObserver)
          Unregisters the given instance from the state observers.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AnalysisController()
Constructs an AnalysisController instance.


public AnalysisController(String projectName)
Constructs an AnalysisController instance using the given parameter.

projectName - The name of the project.


public AnalysisController(File file)
                   throws IOException,
This constructors creates an AnalysisController instance, using the given file to load an analysis model. The given file should therefore be an instance of the analysis meta model.

file - The configuration file for the analysis.
IOException - If the given file could not be loaded or is not a valid kax-configuration file.
AnalysisConfigurationException - If one or more plugins or repositories could not be created, one or more properties of the plugins are invalid or if a connection between two filters is not allowed.


public AnalysisController(File file,
                          ClassLoader classLoader)
                   throws IOException,
This constructors creates an AnalysisController instance, using the given file to load an analysis model and the given classloader to initialize the objects. The given file should therefore be an instance of the analysis meta model.

file - The configuration file for the analysis.
classLoader - The classloader used to initialize the plugins etc.
IOException - If the given file could not be loaded or is not a valid kax-configuration file.
AnalysisConfigurationException - If one or more plugins or repositories could not be created, one or more properties of the plugins are invalid or if a connection between two filters is not allowed.


public AnalysisController(MIProject project)
                   throws NullPointerException,
Creates a new instance of the class AnalysisController but uses the given instance of MIProject to construct the analysis.

project - The project instance for the analysis.
AnalysisConfigurationException - If the given project could not be loaded.
NullPointerException - If the project is null.


public AnalysisController(MIProject project,
                          ClassLoader classLoader)
                   throws NullPointerException,
Creates a new instance of the class AnalysisController but uses the given instance of @link{Project} to construct the analysis.

project - The project instance for the analysis.
classLoader - The class loader used for the initializing.
NullPointerException - If the project is null.
AnalysisConfigurationException - If the given project could not be loaded.


public AnalysisController(Configuration configuration)
Constructs an AnalysisController instance using the given parameter.

configuration - The global configuration of this analysis. All plugins can indirectly access it.
Method Detail


public final void handleKiekerMetadataRecord(KiekerMetadataRecord record)
Called whenever an KiekerMetadataRecord is found inside the filters network. Currently this method only logs all details.

record - the KiekerMetadataRecord containing the information


public final void registerStateObserver(AnalysisController.IStateObserver stateObserver)
Registers the given instance as a new state observer. All instances are informed when the state (Running, Terminated etc) changes and get the new state as an object.

Specified by:
registerStateObserver in interface IAnalysisController
stateObserver - The observer to be registered.


public final void unregisterStateObserver(AnalysisController.IStateObserver stateObserver)
Unregisters the given instance from the state observers.

Specified by:
unregisterStateObserver in interface IAnalysisController
stateObserver - The observer to be unregistered.


public final String getProperty(String key)
Delivers the value for the given (global) property within the analysis.

Specified by:
getProperty in interface IProjectContext
key - The key of the property.
The value for the given property if it exists, an empty string otherwise.


public final void saveToFile(File file)
                      throws IOException,
This method can be used to store the current configuration of this analysis controller in a specified file. The file can later be used to initialize the analysis controller.

Specified by:
saveToFile in interface IAnalysisController
file - The file in which the configuration will be stored.
IOException - If an exception during the storage occurred.
AnalysisConfigurationException - If the current configuration is somehow invalid.
See Also:


public final void saveToFile(String pathname)
                      throws IOException,
This method can be used to store the current configuration of this analysis controller in a specified file. It is just a convenient method which does the same as #saveToFile(File).

Specified by:
saveToFile in interface IAnalysisController
pathname - The pathname of the file in which the configuration will be stored.
IOException - If an exception during the storage occurred.
AnalysisConfigurationException - If the current configuration is somehow invalid.
See Also:


public final void connect(AbstractPlugin src,
                          String outputPortName,
                          AbstractPlugin dst,
                          String inputPortName)
                   throws IllegalStateException,
This method should be used to connect two plugins. The plugins have to be registered within this controller instance.

Specified by:
connect in interface IAnalysisController
src - The source plugin.
outputPortName - The output port of the source plugin.
dst - The destination plugin.
inputPortName - The input port of the destination port.
IllegalStateException - If this instance has already been started or has already been terminated.
AnalysisConfigurationException - If the port names or the given plugins are invalid or not compatible.


public final void connect(AbstractPlugin plugin,
                          String repositoryPort,
                          AbstractRepository repository)
                   throws IllegalStateException,
Connects the given repository to this plugin via the given name.

Specified by:
connect in interface IAnalysisController
plugin - The plugin to be connected.
repositoryPort - The name of the port to connect the repository.
repository - The repository which should be used.
IllegalStateException - If this instance has already been started or has already been terminated.
AnalysisConfigurationException - If the port names or the given objects are invalid or not compatible.


public final MIProject getCurrentConfiguration()
                                        throws AnalysisConfigurationException
This method delivers the current configuration of this instance as an instance of MIProject.

Specified by:
getCurrentConfiguration in interface IProjectContext
A filled meta model instance.
AnalysisConfigurationException - If the current configuration is somehow invalid.


public final void run()
               throws IllegalStateException,
Starts an AnalysisController instance. The method returns after all configured readers finished reading and all analysis plug-ins terminated On errors during the initialization, Exceptions are thrown.

Specified by:
run in interface IAnalysisController
IllegalStateException - If the current instance has already been started or already been terminated.
AnalysisConfigurationException - If plugins with mandatory repositories have not been connected properly or couldn't be initialized.


public final void terminate()
Initiates a termination of the analysis.

Specified by:
terminate in interface IAnalysisController


public final void terminate(boolean error)
Initiates a termination of the analysis.

Specified by:
terminate in interface IAnalysisController
error - Determines whether this is a normal termination or an termination due to an error during the analysis.


public final void registerReader(AbstractReaderPlugin reader)
                          throws IllegalStateException
Deprecated. This method will not be for public use in Kieker 1.8. Use the new constructor instead.

Registers the given reader with this analysis instance.

reader - The reader to register with this analysis.
IllegalStateException - If the analysis has already been started when this method is called.


public final void registerFilter(AbstractFilterPlugin filter)
                          throws IllegalStateException
Deprecated. This method will not be for public use in Kieker 1.8. Use the new constructor instead.

Registers the given filter with this analysis instance.

filter - The filter to register with this analysis.
IllegalStateException - If the analysis has already been started when this method is called.


public final void registerRepository(AbstractRepository repository)
                              throws IllegalStateException
Deprecated. This method will not be for public use in Kieker 1.8. Use the new constructor instead.

Registers the given repository with this analysis instance.

repository - The repository to register with this analysis.
IllegalStateException - If the analysis has already been started when this method is called.


public final String getProjectName()
Delivers the current name of the project.

Specified by:
getProjectName in interface IProjectContext
The current project name.


public final Collection<AbstractReaderPlugin> getReaders()
Delivers an unmodifiable collection of all readers.

Specified by:
getReaders in interface IAnalysisController
All registered readers.


public final Collection<AbstractFilterPlugin> getFilters()
Delivers an unmodifiable collection of all filters.

Specified by:
getFilters in interface IAnalysisController
All registered filters.


public final Collection<AbstractRepository> getRepositories()
Delivers an unmodifiable collection of all repositories.

Specified by:
getRepositories in interface IAnalysisController
All registered repositories.


public final AnalysisController.STATE getState()
Delivers the current state of the analysis controller.

Specified by:
getState in interface IProjectContext
The current state.


public static final MIProject loadFromFile(File file)
                                    throws IOException
This method can be used to load a meta model instance from a given file.

file - The file to be loaded.
An instance of MIProject if everything went well.
IOException - If something during loading went wrong.


public static final void saveToFile(File file,
                                    MIProject project)
                             throws IOException
This method can be used to save the given instance of MIProject within a given file.

file - The file to be used for the storage.
project - The project to be stored.
IOException - In case of errors.


public static final AnalysisController.AnalysisControllerWithMapping createAnalysisController(MIProject project,
                                                                                              ClassLoader classLoader)
                                                                                       throws NullPointerException,
This is a factory method which can be used to create a new instance of AnalysisController, but delivers the mapping between the MIProject and the actual analysis. It calls the constructor AnalysisController(MIProject, ClassLoader).

project - The project to be loaded.
classLoader - The class loader used to load the instances.
The newly created controller and the mapping.
NullPointerException - If the project is null.
AnalysisConfigurationException - If the given project could not be loaded.

Kieker 1.7

Copyright 2013 Kieker Project,