Kieker 1.6
Class GraphWriterPlugin

  extended by kieker.analysis.plugin.AbstractPlugin
      extended by kieker.analysis.plugin.filter.AbstractFilterPlugin
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
IFilterPlugin, IPlugin

public class GraphWriterPlugin
extends AbstractFilterPlugin

Generic graph writer plugin to generate graph specifications and save them to disk. This plugin uses a formatter registry (see FORMATTER_REGISTRY) to determine the appropriate formatter for a given graph.

Holger Knoche

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface kieker.analysis.plugin.IPlugin
IPlugin.PluginInputPortReference, IPlugin.STATE
Field Summary
          Name of the plugin's graph input port.
Fields inherited from class kieker.analysis.plugin.AbstractPlugin
Constructor Summary
GraphWriterPlugin(Configuration configuration)
          Creates a new writer plugin using the given configuration.
Method Summary
 Configuration getCurrentConfiguration()
          This method should deliver a Configuration object containing the current configuration of this instance.
 void writeGraph(AbstractGraph<?,?,?> graph)
          Formats a given graph and saves the generated specification to disk.
Methods inherited from class kieker.analysis.plugin.filter.AbstractFilterPlugin
init, terminate
Methods inherited from class kieker.analysis.plugin.AbstractPlugin
areAllRepositoryPortsConnected, connect, connect, getAllDisplayNames, getAllInputPortNames, getAllOutputPortNames, getAllRepositoryPortNames, getConnectedPlugins, getCurrentRepositories, getIncomingPlugins, getName, getPluginDescription, getPluginName, getState, isConnectionAllowed, shutdown, start
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface kieker.analysis.plugin.IPlugin
connect, getAllDisplayNames, getAllInputPortNames, getAllOutputPortNames, getConnectedPlugins, getCurrentRepositories, getName, getPluginDescription, getPluginName, getState

Field Detail


public static final String INPUT_PORT_NAME_GRAPHS
Name of the plugin's graph input port.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public GraphWriterPlugin(Configuration configuration)
Creates a new writer plugin using the given configuration.

configuration - The configuration to use
Method Detail


public Configuration getCurrentConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: IPlugin
This method should deliver a Configuration object containing the current configuration of this instance. In other words: The constructor should be able to use the given object to initialize a new instance of this class with the same intern properties.

A completely filled configuration object.


public void writeGraph(AbstractGraph<?,?,?> graph)
Formats a given graph and saves the generated specification to disk. The file name to save the output to is specified by a the configuration options GraphWriterConfiguration.CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME_OUTPUT_PATH_NAME and GraphWriterConfiguration.CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME.

graph - The graph to save

Kieker 1.6

Copyright 2012 Kieker Project,