Kieker 1.6

Interface IPlugin

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAggregatedCallTreeFilter, AbstractCallTreeFilter, AbstractDependencyGraphFilter, AbstractExecutionTraceProcessingFilter, AbstractFilterPlugin, AbstractGraphFilter, AbstractGraphProducingFilter, AbstractInvalidExecutionTraceProcessingFilter, AbstractMessageTraceProcessingFilter, AbstractPlugin, AbstractReaderPlugin, AbstractTimestampFilter, AbstractTraceAnalysisFilter, AbstractTraceIdFilter, AbstractTraceProcessingFilter, AggregatedAllocationComponentOperationCallTreeFilter, AggregatedAssemblyComponentOperationCallTreeFilter, ComponentDependencyGraphAllocationFilter, ComponentDependencyGraphAssemblyFilter, ContainerDependencyGraphFilter, CountingFilter, CountingThroughputFilter, CurrentTimeEventGenerationFilter, DbReader, DescriptionDecoratorFilter, EventRecordTraceReconstructionFilter, ExecutionRecordTransformationFilter, ExecutionTraceWriterFilter, FSReader, GraphWriterPlugin, InvalidExecutionTraceWriterFilter, JMSReader, JMXReader, ListCollectionFilter, ListReader, MessageTraceWriterFilter, MonitoringRecordLoggerFilter, OperationDependencyGraphAllocationFilter, OperationDependencyGraphAssemblyFilter, PipeReader, RealtimeRecordDelayFilter, SequenceDiagramFilter, StringBufferFilter, SystemModel2FileFilter, TeeFilter, TimestampFilter, TimestampFilter, TraceCallTreeFilter, TraceColoringFilter, TraceEquivalenceClassFilter, TraceEventRecords2ExecutionAndMessageTraceFilter, TraceIdFilter, TraceIdFilter, TraceReconstructionFilter, TypeFilter

public interface IPlugin

Nils Christian Ehmke, Jan Waller

Nested Class Summary
static class IPlugin.PluginInputPortReference
static class IPlugin.STATE
          An enumeration used to describe the state of an AbstractPlugin.
Method Summary
 void connect(String name, AbstractRepository repo)
          Connects the given repository to this plugin via the given name.
 String[] getAllDisplayNames()
 String[] getAllInputPortNames()
 String[] getAllOutputPortNames()
 List<IPlugin.PluginInputPortReference> getConnectedPlugins(String outputPortName)
          Delivers the plugins with their ports which are connected with the given output port.
 Configuration getCurrentConfiguration()
          This method should deliver a Configuration object containing the current configuration of this instance.
 Map<String,AbstractRepository> getCurrentRepositories()
          This method delivers an array of AbstractRepository containing the current repositories of this instance.
 String getName()
          This method delivers the current name of this plugin instance.
 String getPluginDescription()
          This method delivers the description of this plugin type.
 String getPluginName()
          This method delivers the plugin name of this plugin.
 IPlugin.STATE getState()
 boolean init()
          Initiates the start of a component.
 void terminate(boolean error)
          Initiates a termination of the plugin.

Method Detail


boolean init()
Initiates the start of a component. This method is called once when a AnalysisController's run() method is called. This implementation must not be blocking! Asynchronous consumers would spawn (an) asynchronous thread(s) in this method.

true on success; false otherwise.


void terminate(boolean error)
Initiates a termination of the plugin. This method is only used by the framework and should not be called manually. Use the method AnalysisController.terminate(boolean) instead. After receiving this notification, the plugin should terminate any running methods, e.g., read for readers.


Configuration getCurrentConfiguration()
This method should deliver a Configuration object containing the current configuration of this instance. In other words: The constructor should be able to use the given object to initialize a new instance of this class with the same intern properties.

A completely filled configuration object.


String getPluginName()
This method delivers the plugin name of this plugin. The name should be unique, e.g., the classname.

The name of the plugin.


String getPluginDescription()
This method delivers the description of this plugin type.

The description of the plugin type.


String getName()
This method delivers the current name of this plugin instance. The name does not have to be unique.

The current name of the plugin instance.


void connect(String name,
             AbstractRepository repo)
             throws AnalysisConfigurationException
Connects the given repository to this plugin via the given name. DO NOT USE THIS METHOD! Use AnalysisController.connect instead!

name - The name of the port to connect the repository.
repo - The repository which should be used.
AnalysisConfigurationException - if the repository-port is invalid, the repository itself is incompatible or the port is already used.


Map<String,AbstractRepository> getCurrentRepositories()
This method delivers an array of AbstractRepository containing the current repositories of this instance. In other words: The constructor should be able to use the given object to initialize a new instance of this class with the same intern properties.

An (possible empty) array of repositories.


String[] getAllOutputPortNames()


String[] getAllInputPortNames()


String[] getAllDisplayNames()


List<IPlugin.PluginInputPortReference> getConnectedPlugins(String outputPortName)
Delivers the plugins with their ports which are connected with the given output port.

outputPortName - The name of the output port.
An array of pairs, whereat the first element is the plugin and the second one the name of the input port. If the given output port is invalid, null is returned


IPlugin.STATE getState()
the current state of the plugin

Kieker 1.6

Copyright 2012 Kieker Project,