Class AbstractDependencyGraphFormatter<G extends AbstractDependencyGraph<?>>

Type Parameters:
G - The graph type this formatter is for
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractComponentDependencyGraphFormatter, AbstractOperationDependencyGraphFormatter, ContainerDependencyGraphFormatter

public abstract class AbstractDependencyGraphFormatter<G extends AbstractDependencyGraph<?>>
extends AbstractGraphFormatter<G>
Abstract superclass for all dependency-graph formatters.
Holger Knoche
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    protected static java.lang.String STEREOTYPE_ALLOCATION_COMPONENT
    The string used in the node labels for deployment components.
    protected static java.lang.String STEREOTYPE_ASSEMBLY_COMPONENT
    The string used in the node labels for assembly components.
    protected static java.lang.String STEREOTYPE_EXECUTION_CONTAINER
    The string used in the node labels for execution containers.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    protected void appendGraphFooter​(java.lang.StringBuilder builder)
    Outputs the default graph footer to the given builder.
    protected void appendGraphHeader​(java.lang.StringBuilder builder)
    Outputs the default graph header to the given builder.
    protected static java.lang.String createAllocationComponentId​(AllocationComponent component)
    Utility function to create a textual container ID for an allocation component.
    protected static java.lang.String createAssemblyComponentId​(AssemblyComponent component)
    Utility function to create a textual container ID for an assembly component.
    protected static java.lang.String createContainerId​(ExecutionContainer container)
    Utility function to create a textual container ID for an execution container.
    protected static java.lang.String createNodeId​(int nodeId)
    Utility function to create a textual node ID from a given numeric node ID.
    protected static java.lang.String createNodeId​(DependencyGraphNode<?> node)
    Utility function to create a textual node ID for a given node.
    protected static java.lang.String createOperationNodeId​(Operation operation)
    Utility function to create a textual node ID for an operation.
    protected abstract java.lang.String formatDependencyGraph​(G graph, boolean includeWeights, boolean useShortLabels, boolean plotLoops)
    The inheriting classes should implement this method to encapsulate the concrete graph formatting.
    protected java.lang.String formatGraph​(G graph, boolean includeWeights, boolean useShortLabels, boolean plotLoops)
    This method encapsulates the concrete graph formatting.
    protected static java.lang.String getNodeFillColor​(DependencyGraphNode<?> node)
    Utility function to determine the fill color to use for a given node.

    Methods inherited from class

    createFormattedRepresentation, formatDecorations, getDefaultFileName, getDotRepresentation

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • formatGraph

      protected java.lang.String formatGraph​(G graph, boolean includeWeights, boolean useShortLabels, boolean plotLoops)
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraphFormatter
      This method encapsulates the concrete graph formatting.
      Specified by:
      formatGraph in class AbstractGraphFormatter<G extends AbstractDependencyGraph<?>>
      graph - The input graph to format
      includeWeights - Determines whether to include weights or not.
      useShortLabels - Determines whether to use short labels or not.
      plotLoops - Determines whether to plot loops or not.
      A textual specification of the input graph
    • appendGraphHeader

      protected void appendGraphHeader​(java.lang.StringBuilder builder)
      Outputs the default graph header to the given builder.
      builder - The builder to use
    • appendGraphFooter

      protected void appendGraphFooter​(java.lang.StringBuilder builder)
      Outputs the default graph footer to the given builder.
      builder - The builder to use
    • createContainerId

      protected static java.lang.String createContainerId​(ExecutionContainer container)
      Utility function to create a textual container ID for an execution container.
      container - The container to create the ID for
      The created ID
    • createAllocationComponentId

      protected static java.lang.String createAllocationComponentId​(AllocationComponent component)
      Utility function to create a textual container ID for an allocation component.
      component - The allocation component to create the ID for
      The created ID
    • createAssemblyComponentId

      protected static java.lang.String createAssemblyComponentId​(AssemblyComponent component)
      Utility function to create a textual container ID for an assembly component.
      component - The assembly component to create the ID for
      The created ID
    • createOperationNodeId

      protected static java.lang.String createOperationNodeId​(Operation operation)
      Utility function to create a textual node ID for an operation.
      operation - The operation to create the ID for
      The created ID
    • createNodeId

      protected static java.lang.String createNodeId​(int nodeId)
      Utility function to create a textual node ID from a given numeric node ID.
      nodeId - The numeric node ID
      The created ID
    • createNodeId

      protected static java.lang.String createNodeId​(DependencyGraphNode<?> node)
      Utility function to create a textual node ID for a given node.
      node - The node to create the ID for
      The created ID
    • getNodeFillColor

      protected static java.lang.String getNodeFillColor​(DependencyGraphNode<?> node)
      Utility function to determine the fill color to use for a given node.
      node - The node to determine the color for
      The color name to use for the given node
    • formatDependencyGraph

      protected abstract java.lang.String formatDependencyGraph​(G graph, boolean includeWeights, boolean useShortLabels, boolean plotLoops)
      The inheriting classes should implement this method to encapsulate the concrete graph formatting.
      graph - The input graph to format
      includeWeights - Determines whether to include weights or not.
      useShortLabels - Determines whether to use short labels or not.
      plotLoops - Determines whether to plot loops or not.
      A textual specification of the input graph