Class SOAPTraceRegistry


public final class SOAPTraceRegistry
extends java.lang.Object
CXF does not provide an "around advice" for SOAP requests. For this reason, we introduced this class wrapping access to some thread-local variables used to pass information between in- and out-interceptors.
Andre van Hoorn
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static SOAPTraceRegistry getInstance()
      Delivers the one and only instance of this class.
      The singleton instance.
    • storeThreadLocalInRequestTin

      public void storeThreadLocalInRequestTin​(long tin)
      Used to explicitly register the time tin of an incoming request. The thread is responsible for invalidating the stored value using the method unsetThreadLocalTin()!
      tin - The tin time of the request.
    • recallThreadLocalInRequestTin

      public long recallThreadLocalInRequestTin()
      This method returns the thread-local traceid previously registered using the method registerTraceId(curTraceId).
      the time tin. -1 if not registered before.
    • unsetThreadLocalInRequestTin

      public void unsetThreadLocalInRequestTin()
      This method unsets a previously registered entry time tin.
    • storeThreadLocalOutRequestTin

      public void storeThreadLocalOutRequestTin​(long tin)
      Used to explicitly register the time tin of an outgoing request. The thread is responsible for invalidating the stored value using the method unsetThreadLocalTin()!
      tin - The tin time of the request.
    • recallThreadLocalOutRequestTin

      public long recallThreadLocalOutRequestTin()
      This method returns the thread-local traceid previously registered using the method registerTraceId(curTraceId).
      the time tin. -1 if not registered before.
    • unsetThreadLocalOutRequestTin

      public void unsetThreadLocalOutRequestTin()
      This method unsets a previously registered entry time tin.
    • storeThreadLocalInRequestIsEntryCall

      public void storeThreadLocalInRequestIsEntryCall​(boolean isEntry)
      This method is used to store whether or not an incoming SOAP call was the entry point to the current trace.
      isEntry - Determines whether the call was the entry point to the trace or not.
    • recallThreadLocalInRequestIsEntryCall

      public boolean recallThreadLocalInRequestIsEntryCall()
      Returns the value of the ThreadLocal variable threadLocalInRequestIsEntryCall.
      the variable's value; true if value not set.
    • unsetThreadLocalInRequestIsEntryCall

      public void unsetThreadLocalInRequestIsEntryCall()
      This method unsets a previously registered variable isInRequestEntryCall.
    • storeThreadLocalOutRequestIsEntryCall

      public void storeThreadLocalOutRequestIsEntryCall​(boolean isEntry)
      This method is used to store whether or not an outgoing SOAP call was the entry point to the current trace.
      isEntry - Determines whether the call was the entry point to the trace or not.
    • recallThreadLocalOutRequestIsEntryCall

      public boolean recallThreadLocalOutRequestIsEntryCall()
      Returns the value of the ThreadLocal variable threadLocalOutRequestIsEntryCall.
      the variable's value; true if value not set.
    • unsetThreadLocalOutRequestIsEntryCall

      public void unsetThreadLocalOutRequestIsEntryCall()
      This method unsets a previously registered variable isOutRequestEntryCall.
    • storeThreadLocalInRequestEOI

      public void storeThreadLocalInRequestEOI​(int eoi)
      Used to explicitly register an eoi for an incoming SOAP request. The thread is responsible for invalidating the stored curTraceId using the method unsetThreadLocalEOI()!
      eoi - The execution order index to store.
    • recallThreadLocalInRequestEOI

      public int recallThreadLocalInRequestEOI()
      This method returns the thread-local eoi previously registered using the method registerTraceId(curTraceId).
      the eoi. -1 if no eoi registered.
    • unsetThreadLocalInRequestEOI

      public void unsetThreadLocalInRequestEOI()
      This method unsets a previously registered eoi.
    • storeThreadLocalInRequestESS

      public void storeThreadLocalInRequestESS​(int ess)
      Used to explicitly register an ess for an incoming SOAP request. The thread is responsible for invalidating the stored curTraceId using the method unsetThreadLocalESS()!
      ess - The execution stack size to store.
    • recallThreadLocalInRequestESS

      public int recallThreadLocalInRequestESS()
      This method returns the thread-local ess previously registered using the method registerTraceId(curTraceId).
      the ess. -1 if no ess registered.
    • unsetThreadLocalInRequestESS

      public void unsetThreadLocalInRequestESS()
      This method unsets a previously registered ess.