- Type Parameters:
- node typeE
- edge type
- Direct Known Subclasses:
public class DotWriterStage<N extends INode,E extends IEdge> extends teetime.framework.AbstractConsumerStage<IGraph<N,E>>
This stage writes a
to given Writer
in the dot file format. The writer
can be configured by a Function
, which maps the graph to a writer. For example, this
allows one write the graph to a file with the name of the graph. For a non generic writer
simply use something like x -> new MyWriter()
In addition, this stage can be configured by a DotExportMapper
, which specifies
how attributes (for graphs, vertices and edges) are mapped to the dot graph.- Since:
- 1.14
- Author:
- Sören Henning
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description protected DotExportMapper<N,E>
protected java.util.function.Function<IGraph<N,E>,>
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description DotWriterStage(java.util.function.Function<IGraph<N,E>,> writerMapper)
DotWriterStage(java.util.function.Function<IGraph<N,E>,> writerMapper, DotExportMapper<N,E> exportConfiguration)
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class teetime.framework.AbstractConsumerStage
createInputPort, execute, getInputPort
Methods inherited from class teetime.framework.AbstractStage
abort, addInputPortRemovedListener, addOutputPortRemovedListener, compareAndSetBeingExecuted, createInputPort, createInputPort, createInputPort, createOutputPort, createOutputPort, createOutputPort, createOutputPort, declareActive, declarePassive, executeByFramework, getCurrentState, getId, getInputPorts, getOutputPorts, getOwningThread, getTerminationStrategy, isActive, isBeingExecuted, isPaused, isProducer, isStateless, onSignal, onStarting, onTerminating, onValidating, removeDynamicPort, removeDynamicPort, setPaused, setStateless, shouldBeTerminated, signalAlreadyReceived, terminateStage, toString, workCompleted