Class TeeFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TeeFilter
extends teetime.stage.basic.AbstractFilter<java.lang.Object>
This filter has exactly one input port and one output port. A simple message is printed to a configurable stream and all objects are forwarded to the output port.
Matthias Rohr, Jan Waller, Lars Bluemke
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    static class  TeeFilter.TeeFilterStreamType
    Predefined types of streams for the TeeFilter.
    STDLOG = standard log
    STDOUT = standard output
    STDERR = standard error output
    NULL = filter doesn't print anything
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static java.lang.String DEFAULT_ENCODING
    The default value of the encoding property which determines that the filter uses utf-8.
    static boolean DEFAULT_STREAM_APPEND
    The default value of the stream property which determines that the filter appends or overwrites a file.

    Fields inherited from class teetime.stage.basic.AbstractTransformation


    Fields inherited from class teetime.framework.AbstractConsumerStage


    Fields inherited from class teetime.framework.AbstractStage

  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    TeeFilter​(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String encoding, boolean append)
    Creates a new instance of this class using the given parameters.
    TeeFilter​(TeeFilter.TeeFilterStreamType streamType, java.lang.String encoding)
    Creates a new instance of this class using the given parameters.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    protected void execute​(java.lang.Object object)
    This method receives incoming objects from the filter's input port.
    java.lang.String getPrintStreamName()  
    protected void onTerminating()  

    Methods inherited from class teetime.stage.basic.AbstractTransformation


    Methods inherited from class teetime.framework.AbstractConsumerStage

    createInputPort, execute, getInputPort

    Methods inherited from class teetime.framework.AbstractStage

    abort, addInputPortRemovedListener, addOutputPortRemovedListener, compareAndSetBeingExecuted, createInputPort, createInputPort, createInputPort, createOutputPort, createOutputPort, createOutputPort, createOutputPort, declareActive, declarePassive, executeByFramework, getCurrentState, getId, getInputPorts, getOutputPorts, getOwningThread, getTerminationStrategy, isActive, isBeingExecuted, isPaused, isProducer, isStateless, onSignal, onStarting, onValidating, removeDynamicPort, removeDynamicPort, setPaused, setStateless, shouldBeTerminated, signalAlreadyReceived, terminateStage, toString, workCompleted

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface teetime.stage.basic.ITransformation

  • Field Details


      public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_ENCODING
      The default value of the encoding property which determines that the filter uses utf-8.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final boolean DEFAULT_STREAM_APPEND
      The default value of the stream property which determines that the filter appends or overwrites a file.
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • TeeFilter

      public TeeFilter​(TeeFilter.TeeFilterStreamType streamType, java.lang.String encoding)
      Creates a new instance of this class using the given parameters. Uses one of the predefined TeeFilter.TeeFilterStreamTypes.
      streamType - Determines which of the predefined TeeFilter.TeeFilterStreamTypes the filter uses.
      encoding - Determines which encoding the filter uses. Pass null for default encoding "UTF-8".
    • TeeFilter

      public TeeFilter​(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String encoding, boolean append)
      Creates a new instance of this class using the given parameters. Uses a FileOutputStream.
      fileName - The system dependent file name for the FileOutputStream.
      encoding - Determines which encoding the filter uses. Pass null for default encoding "UTF-8".
      append - Determines whether the filter appends or overwrites a file.
  • Method Details

    • onTerminating

      protected void onTerminating()
      onTerminating in class teetime.framework.AbstractStage
    • execute

      protected void execute​(java.lang.Object object)
      This method receives incoming objects from the filter's input port. Every object will be printed into a stream (based on the configuration) before the filter sends it to the output port.
      Specified by:
      execute in class teetime.framework.AbstractConsumerStage<java.lang.Object>
      object - The new object.
    • getPrintStreamName

      public java.lang.String getPrintStreamName()