Class CountingStage<T>

Type Parameters:
T - record type

public final class CountingStage<T>
extends teetime.framework.AbstractConsumerStage<T>
An instance of this class receives any objects, increments an intern thread-safe counter without printing any message and delivers the unchanged objects to the output. The value of the counter can be retrieved by connected to the respective output port using a corresponding method.
Jan Waller, Nils Christian Ehmke, Lars Bluemke
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class teetime.framework.AbstractConsumerStage


    Fields inherited from class teetime.framework.AbstractStage

  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    CountingStage​(boolean echo, int modulo)
    Creates a new instance of this class and sets the time stamp of initialization.
    CountingStage​(boolean echo, int modulo, java.lang.String label)
    Creates a new instance of this class and sets the time stamp of initialization.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    protected void execute​(T event)
    This method represents the input port of this filter.
    teetime.framework.OutputPort<java.lang.Long> getCountOutputPort()  
    long getMessageCount()
    Returns the number of objects received until now.
    teetime.framework.OutputPort<T> getRelayedEventsOutputPort()  

    Methods inherited from class teetime.framework.AbstractConsumerStage

    createInputPort, execute, getInputPort

    Methods inherited from class teetime.framework.AbstractStage

    abort, addInputPortRemovedListener, addOutputPortRemovedListener, compareAndSetBeingExecuted, createInputPort, createInputPort, createInputPort, createOutputPort, createOutputPort, createOutputPort, createOutputPort, declareActive, declarePassive, executeByFramework, getCurrentState, getId, getInputPorts, getOutputPorts, getOwningThread, getTerminationStrategy, isActive, isBeingExecuted, isPaused, isProducer, isStateless, onSignal, onStarting, onTerminating, onValidating, removeDynamicPort, removeDynamicPort, setPaused, setStateless, shouldBeTerminated, signalAlreadyReceived, terminateStage, toString, workCompleted

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • CountingStage

      public CountingStage​(boolean echo, int modulo)
      Creates a new instance of this class and sets the time stamp of initialization.
      echo - if true, print out number of counted record to console log (INFO)
      modulo - print out count info to log only every n-event
    • CountingStage

      public CountingStage​(boolean echo, int modulo, java.lang.String label)
      Creates a new instance of this class and sets the time stamp of initialization.
      echo - if true, print out number of counted record to console log (INFO)
      modulo - print out count info to log only every n-event
      label - label added as prefix to the number in the log
  • Method Details

    • getMessageCount

      public final long getMessageCount()
      Returns the number of objects received until now.
      The current counter value.
    • execute

      protected void execute​(T event)
      This method represents the input port of this filter.
      Specified by:
      execute in class teetime.framework.AbstractConsumerStage<T>
      event - The next event.
    • getCountOutputPort

      public teetime.framework.OutputPort<java.lang.Long> getCountOutputPort()
    • getRelayedEventsOutputPort

      public teetime.framework.OutputPort<T> getRelayedEventsOutputPort()