Kieker 1.8

Class CallOperationObjectEvent

  extended by kieker.common.record.AbstractMonitoringRecord
      extended by kieker.common.record.flow.AbstractEvent
          extended by kieker.common.record.flow.trace.AbstractTraceEvent
              extended by kieker.common.record.flow.trace.operation.AbstractOperationEvent
                  extended by kieker.common.record.flow.trace.operation.CallOperationEvent
                      extended by kieker.common.record.flow.trace.operation.object.CallOperationObjectEvent
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<IMonitoringRecord>, ICallObjectRecord, ICallRecord, IEventRecord, IFlowRecord, IObjectRecord, IOperationRecord, ITraceRecord, IMonitoringRecord, IMonitoringRecord.BinaryFactory, IMonitoringRecord.Factory

public class CallOperationObjectEvent
extends CallOperationEvent
implements ICallObjectRecord

Jan Waller
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface kieker.common.record.IMonitoringRecord
IMonitoringRecord.BinaryFactory, IMonitoringRecord.Factory
Field Summary
static int SIZE
static Class<?>[] TYPES
Constructor Summary
CallOperationObjectEvent(ByteBuffer buffer, IRegistry<String> stringRegistry)
          This constructor converts the given array into a record.
CallOperationObjectEvent(long timestamp, long traceId, int orderIndex, String callerOperationSignature, String callerClassSignature, String calleeOperationSignature, String calleeClassSignature, int callerObjectId, int calleeObjectId)
          This constructor uses the given parameters to initialize the fields of this record.
CallOperationObjectEvent(Object[] values)
          Creates a new instance of this class using the given array.
Method Summary
 int getCalleeObjectId()
          Delivers the ID of the callee object.
 int getCallerObjectId()
          Delivers the ID of the caller object.
 int getObjectId()
          Delivers the ID of the caller object.
 int getSize()
          This method should deliver the size of a binary representation of this record.
 Class<?>[] getValueTypes()
          This method should deliver an array with the classes of the single values for the record.
 Object[] toArray()
          This method should deliver an array containing the content of the record. It should be possible to convert this array later into a record again.
 void writeBytes(ByteBuffer buffer, IRegistry<String> stringRegistry)
          This method should deliver an byte array containing the content of the record. It should be possible to convert this array later into a record again.
Methods inherited from class kieker.common.record.flow.trace.operation.CallOperationEvent
callsReferencedOperationOf, getCalleeClassSignature, getCalleeOperationSignature, getCallerClassSignature, getCallerOperationSignature
Methods inherited from class kieker.common.record.flow.trace.operation.AbstractOperationEvent
getClassSignature, getOperationSignature, refersToSameOperationAs
Methods inherited from class kieker.common.record.flow.trace.AbstractTraceEvent
getOrderIndex, getTraceId
Methods inherited from class kieker.common.record.flow.AbstractEvent
getTimestamp, initFromArray, initFromBytes
Methods inherited from class kieker.common.record.AbstractMonitoringRecord
checkArray, classForName, compareTo, createFromArray, createFromByteBuffer, createFromStringArray, equals, fromStringArrayToTypedArray, getLoggingTimestamp, hashCode, setLoggingTimestamp, toString, typesForClass
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface kieker.common.record.flow.ICallRecord
callsReferencedOperationOf, getCalleeClassSignature, getCalleeOperationSignature, getCallerClassSignature, getCallerOperationSignature
Methods inherited from interface kieker.common.record.flow.IOperationRecord
getClassSignature, getOperationSignature, refersToSameOperationAs
Methods inherited from interface kieker.common.record.IMonitoringRecord
getLoggingTimestamp, initFromArray, initFromBytes, setLoggingTimestamp, toString
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable
Methods inherited from interface kieker.common.record.flow.IObjectRecord

Field Detail


public static final int SIZE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final Class<?>[] TYPES
Constructor Detail


public CallOperationObjectEvent(long timestamp,
                                long traceId,
                                int orderIndex,
                                String callerOperationSignature,
                                String callerClassSignature,
                                String calleeOperationSignature,
                                String calleeClassSignature,
                                int callerObjectId,
                                int calleeObjectId)
This constructor uses the given parameters to initialize the fields of this record.

timestamp - The timestamp of this record.
traceId - The trace ID.
orderIndex - The order index.
callerOperationSignature - The caller operation signature. This parameter can be null.
callerClassSignature - The caller class signature. This parameter can be null.
calleeOperationSignature - The callee operation signature. This parameter can be null.
calleeClassSignature - The callee class signature. This parameter can be null.
callerObjectId - The ID of the caller object.
calleeObjectId - The ID of the callee object.


public CallOperationObjectEvent(Object[] values)
Creates a new instance of this class using the given array. The array should be the one resulting in a call to toArray().

values - The array containing the values.


public CallOperationObjectEvent(ByteBuffer buffer,
                                IRegistry<String> stringRegistry)
                         throws BufferUnderflowException
This constructor converts the given array into a record.

buffer - The bytes for the record.
BufferUnderflowException - if buffer not sufficient
Method Detail


public Object[] toArray()
This method should deliver an array containing the content of the record. It should be possible to convert this array later into a record again.

Specified by:
toArray in interface IMonitoringRecord
toArray in class CallOperationEvent
An array with the values of the record.


public void writeBytes(ByteBuffer buffer,
                       IRegistry<String> stringRegistry)
                throws BufferOverflowException
This method should deliver an byte array containing the content of the record. It should be possible to convert this array later into a record again.

Specified by:
writeBytes in interface IMonitoringRecord
writeBytes in class CallOperationEvent
buffer - The used ByteBuffer with sufficient capacity
stringRegistry - Usually the associated MonitoringController
BufferOverflowException - if buffer not sufficient


public Class<?>[] getValueTypes()
This method should deliver an array with the classes of the single values for the record.

Specified by:
getValueTypes in interface IMonitoringRecord
getValueTypes in class CallOperationEvent
The types of the values. This returned array should be treated readonly.
See Also:


public int getSize()
This method should deliver the size of a binary representation of this record.

Specified by:
getSize in interface IMonitoringRecord
getSize in class CallOperationEvent
The size.


public final int getObjectId()
Delivers the ID of the caller object.

Specified by:
getObjectId in interface IObjectRecord
The ID of the caller.


public final int getCallerObjectId()
Delivers the ID of the caller object.

Specified by:
getCallerObjectId in interface ICallObjectRecord
The ID of the caller.
See Also:


public final int getCalleeObjectId()
Delivers the ID of the callee object.

Specified by:
getCalleeObjectId in interface ICallObjectRecord
The ID of the callee.

Kieker 1.8

Copyright 2013 Kieker Project,