Kieker 1.2 | |||||||||
Uses of IMonitoringRecord in kieker.analysis.plugin |
Methods in kieker.analysis.plugin that return types with arguments of type IMonitoringRecord | |
Collection<Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord>> |
Simply return null to get records of all types. |
Collection<Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord>> |
Collection<Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord>> |
Methods in kieker.analysis.plugin with parameters of type IMonitoringRecord | |
boolean |
DummyRecordConsumer.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord monitoringRecord)
boolean |
MonitoringRecordTypeLogger.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord monitoringRecord)
Uses of IMonitoringRecord in kieker.common.record |
Classes in kieker.common.record that implement IMonitoringRecord | |
class |
class |
class |
class |
None of the String variables must be null. |
Methods in kieker.common.record that return types with arguments of type IMonitoringRecord | |
Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord> |
MonitoringRecordTypeRegistry.fetchClassForRecordTypeId(int recordTypeId)
Returns the class object for the given record type ID record type recordTypeId, which has been registered before by calling the registerRecordTypeIdMapping method. |
Methods in kieker.common.record with parameters of type IMonitoringRecord | |
boolean |
IMonitoringRecordReceiver.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord record)
Called for each new record. |
Uses of IMonitoringRecord in kieker.monitoring.core |
Methods in kieker.monitoring.core with parameters of type IMonitoringRecord | |
boolean |
MonitoringController.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord record)
Passes the given monitoring record to the configured writer if the controller is enabled. |
Uses of IMonitoringRecord in kieker.monitoring.writer.database |
Methods in kieker.monitoring.writer.database with parameters of type IMonitoringRecord | |
boolean |
SyncDbWriter.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord monitoringRecord)
This method is used to store monitoring data into the database or file system. |
boolean |
AsyncDbWriter.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord monitoringRecord)
This method is not synchronized, in contrast to the insert method of the Dbconnector.java. |
Constructor parameters in kieker.monitoring.writer.database with type arguments of type IMonitoringRecord | |
DbWriterThread(Connection initializedConnection,
BlockingQueue<IMonitoringRecord> writeQueue,
String statementtext)
Uses of IMonitoringRecord in kieker.monitoring.writer.filesystem |
Methods in kieker.monitoring.writer.filesystem with parameters of type IMonitoringRecord | |
boolean |
AsyncFsWriter.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord monitoringRecord)
This method is not synchronized. |
boolean |
SyncFsWriter.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord monitoringRecord)
Method parameters in kieker.monitoring.writer.filesystem with type arguments of type IMonitoringRecord | |
int |
MappingFileWriter.idForRecordTypeClass(Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord> clazz)
Constructor parameters in kieker.monitoring.writer.filesystem with type arguments of type IMonitoringRecord | |
FsWriterThread(BlockingQueue<IMonitoringRecord> writeQueue,
MappingFileWriter mappingFileWriter,
String filenamePrefix)
Uses of IMonitoringRecord in kieker.monitoring.writer.jms |
Methods in kieker.monitoring.writer.jms with parameters of type IMonitoringRecord | |
boolean |
AsyncJMSWriter.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord monitoringRecord)
Uses of IMonitoringRecord in kieker.tools.javaFx |
Methods in kieker.tools.javaFx that return types with arguments of type IMonitoringRecord | |
Collection<Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord>> |
Methods in kieker.tools.javaFx with parameters of type IMonitoringRecord | |
boolean |
BriefJavaFxInformer.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord monitoringRecord)
Uses of IMonitoringRecord in kieker.tools.logReplayer |
Methods in kieker.tools.logReplayer that return types with arguments of type IMonitoringRecord | |
Collection<Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord>> |
Methods in kieker.tools.logReplayer with parameters of type IMonitoringRecord | |
boolean |
RealtimeReplayDistributor.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord monitoringRecord)
Constructors in kieker.tools.logReplayer with parameters of type IMonitoringRecord | |
RealtimeReplayWorker(IMonitoringRecord monRec,
RealtimeReplayDistributor rd,
IMonitoringRecordConsumerPlugin cons)
Uses of IMonitoringRecord in kieker.tools.traceAnalysis.plugins.executionRecordTransformation |
Methods in kieker.tools.traceAnalysis.plugins.executionRecordTransformation that return types with arguments of type IMonitoringRecord | |
Collection<Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord>> |
Methods in kieker.tools.traceAnalysis.plugins.executionRecordTransformation with parameters of type IMonitoringRecord | |
boolean |
ExecutionRecordTransformationFilter.newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord record)
Kieker 1.2 | |||||||||