Kieker 1.11
Class TraceIdFilter

  extended by kieker.analysis.analysisComponent.AbstractAnalysisComponent
      extended by kieker.analysis.plugin.AbstractPlugin
          extended by kieker.analysis.plugin.filter.AbstractFilterPlugin
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
IAnalysisComponent, IFilterPlugin, IPlugin

public final class TraceIdFilter
extends AbstractFilterPlugin

Allows to filter Traces about their traceIds. This class has exactly one input port and one output port. If the received object contains the defined traceID, the object is delivered unmodified to the output port.

Andre van Hoorn, Jan Waller

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface kieker.analysis.plugin.IPlugin
IPlugin.PluginInputPortReference, IPlugin.STATE
Field Summary
          The name of the property determining whether to accept all traces, regardless of the given trace IDs.
          The name of the property determining which trace IDs should be accepted by this filter.
static java.lang.String INPUT_PORT_NAME_COMBINED
          The name of the input port accepting both types of records.
static java.lang.String INPUT_PORT_NAME_EXECUTION
          The name of the input port accepting execution records.
static java.lang.String INPUT_PORT_NAME_FLOW
          The name of the input port accepting flow records.
static java.lang.String OUTPUT_PORT_NAME_MATCH
          The name of the output port delivering the records with matching IDs.
static java.lang.String OUTPUT_PORT_NAME_MISMATCH
          The name of the output port delivering the records with the non matching IDs.
Fields inherited from class kieker.analysis.analysisComponent.AbstractAnalysisComponent
CONFIG_NAME, configuration, log, LOG, projectContext, recordsTimeUnitFromProjectContext
Constructor Summary
TraceIdFilter(Configuration configuration, IProjectContext projectContext)
          Creates a new instance of this class using the given parameters.
Method Summary
 Configuration getCurrentConfiguration()
          This method should deliver a Configuration object containing the current configuration of this instance.
 void inputCombined(IMonitoringRecord record)
          This method represents an input port for both operation execution and flow records.
 void inputOperationExecutionRecord(OperationExecutionRecord record)
          This method represents an input port for operation execution records.
 void inputTraceEvent(IFlowRecord record)
          This method represents an input port for flow records.
Methods inherited from class kieker.analysis.plugin.filter.AbstractFilterPlugin
init, terminate
Methods inherited from class kieker.analysis.plugin.AbstractPlugin
areAllRepositoryPortsConnected, connect, connect, deliver, getAllDisplayNames, getAllInputPortNames, getAllOutputPortNames, getAllRepositoryPortNames, getConnectedPlugins, getCurrentRepositories, getDefaultConfiguration, getIncomingPlugins, getPluginDescription, getPluginName, getRepository, getState, isConnectionAllowed, notifyNewIncomingConnection, notifyNewOutgoingConnection, shutdown, start
Methods inherited from class kieker.analysis.analysisComponent.AbstractAnalysisComponent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface kieker.analysis.plugin.IPlugin
connect, getAllDisplayNames, getAllInputPortNames, getAllOutputPortNames, getAllRepositoryPortNames, getConnectedPlugins, getCurrentRepositories, getName, getPluginDescription, getPluginName, getState

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String INPUT_PORT_NAME_FLOW
The name of the input port accepting flow records.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String INPUT_PORT_NAME_EXECUTION
The name of the input port accepting execution records.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String INPUT_PORT_NAME_COMBINED
The name of the input port accepting both types of records.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OUTPUT_PORT_NAME_MATCH
The name of the output port delivering the records with matching IDs.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OUTPUT_PORT_NAME_MISMATCH
The name of the output port delivering the records with the non matching IDs.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME_SELECT_ALL_TRACES
The name of the property determining whether to accept all traces, regardless of the given trace IDs.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME_SELECTED_TRACES
The name of the property determining which trace IDs should be accepted by this filter.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public TraceIdFilter(Configuration configuration,
                     IProjectContext projectContext)
Creates a new instance of this class using the given parameters.

configuration - The configuration for this component.
projectContext - The project context for this component.
Method Detail


public final Configuration getCurrentConfiguration()
This method should deliver a Configuration object containing the current configuration of this instance. In other words: The constructor should be able to use the given object to initialize a new instance of this class with the same intern properties.

Specified by:
getCurrentConfiguration in interface IAnalysisComponent
Specified by:
getCurrentConfiguration in interface IPlugin
Specified by:
getCurrentConfiguration in class AbstractAnalysisComponent
A completely filled configuration object.


public void inputCombined(IMonitoringRecord record)
This method represents an input port for both operation execution and flow records.

record - The next record.


public void inputTraceEvent(IFlowRecord record)
This method represents an input port for flow records.

record - The next record.


public void inputOperationExecutionRecord(OperationExecutionRecord record)
This method represents an input port for operation execution records.

record - The next record.

Kieker 1.11

Copyright 2015 Kieker Project,