Kieker 1.11

Class CountingFilter

  extended by kieker.analysis.analysisComponent.AbstractAnalysisComponent
      extended by kieker.analysis.plugin.AbstractPlugin
          extended by kieker.analysis.plugin.filter.AbstractFilterPlugin
              extended by kieker.analysis.plugin.filter.forward.CountingFilter
All Implemented Interfaces:
IAnalysisComponent, IFilterPlugin, IPlugin

public final class CountingFilter
extends AbstractFilterPlugin

An instance of this class receives any objects, increments an intern tread-safe counter without printing any message and delivers the unchanged objects to the output. The value of the counter can be retrieved by connected to the respective output port using a corresponding method.

Jan Waller, Nils Christian Ehmke

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface kieker.analysis.plugin.IPlugin
IPlugin.PluginInputPortReference, IPlugin.STATE
Field Summary
static java.lang.String INPUT_PORT_NAME_EVENTS
          The name of the input port receiving the incoming events.
static java.lang.String OUTPUT_PORT_NAME_COUNT
          The name of the output port which delivers the current counter value.
          The name of the output port passing the incoming events.
Fields inherited from class kieker.analysis.analysisComponent.AbstractAnalysisComponent
CONFIG_NAME, configuration, log, LOG, projectContext, recordsTimeUnitFromProjectContext
Constructor Summary
CountingFilter(Configuration configuration, IProjectContext projectContext)
          Creates a new instance of this class using the given parameters.
Method Summary
 Configuration getCurrentConfiguration()
          This method should deliver a Configuration object containing the current configuration of this instance.
 long getMessageCount()
          Returns the number of objects received until now.
 boolean init()
          Initiates the start of a component.
 void inputEvent(java.lang.Object event)
          This method represents the input port of this filter.
 PlainText plainTextDisplay()
 XYPlot xyPlotDisplay()
Methods inherited from class kieker.analysis.plugin.filter.AbstractFilterPlugin
Methods inherited from class kieker.analysis.plugin.AbstractPlugin
areAllRepositoryPortsConnected, connect, connect, deliver, getAllDisplayNames, getAllInputPortNames, getAllOutputPortNames, getAllRepositoryPortNames, getConnectedPlugins, getCurrentRepositories, getDefaultConfiguration, getIncomingPlugins, getPluginDescription, getPluginName, getRepository, getState, isConnectionAllowed, notifyNewIncomingConnection, notifyNewOutgoingConnection, shutdown, start
Methods inherited from class kieker.analysis.analysisComponent.AbstractAnalysisComponent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface kieker.analysis.plugin.IPlugin
connect, getAllDisplayNames, getAllInputPortNames, getAllOutputPortNames, getAllRepositoryPortNames, getConnectedPlugins, getCurrentRepositories, getName, getPluginDescription, getPluginName, getState

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String INPUT_PORT_NAME_EVENTS
The name of the input port receiving the incoming events.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OUTPUT_PORT_NAME_RELAYED_EVENTS
The name of the output port passing the incoming events.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OUTPUT_PORT_NAME_COUNT
The name of the output port which delivers the current counter value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public CountingFilter(Configuration configuration,
                      IProjectContext projectContext)
Creates a new instance of this class using the given parameters.

configuration - The configuration for this component.
projectContext - The project context for this component.
Method Detail


public final Configuration getCurrentConfiguration()
This method should deliver a Configuration object containing the current configuration of this instance. In other words: The constructor should be able to use the given object to initialize a new instance of this class with the same intern properties.

Specified by:
getCurrentConfiguration in interface IAnalysisComponent
Specified by:
getCurrentConfiguration in interface IPlugin
Specified by:
getCurrentConfiguration in class AbstractAnalysisComponent
A completely filled configuration object.


public final long getMessageCount()
Returns the number of objects received until now.

The current counter value.


public final void inputEvent(java.lang.Object event)
This method represents the input port of this filter.

event - The next event.


public boolean init()
Description copied from class: AbstractFilterPlugin
Initiates the start of a component. This method is called once when a AnalysisController's run() method is called. This implementation must not be blocking! Asynchronous consumers would spawn (an) asynchronous thread(s) in this method.

Specified by:
init in interface IPlugin
init in class AbstractFilterPlugin
true on success; false otherwise.


public final PlainText plainTextDisplay()


public final XYPlot xyPlotDisplay()

Kieker 1.11

Copyright 2015 Kieker Project,