Kieker 1.10

Package kieker.common.logging

Interface Summary
Log A simple logging interface abstracting logging APIs.

Class Summary
LogFactory This factory class should be used to get new logger instances.
LogImplCommonsLogging This is an actual implementation of the logging interface used by the common logger of the JVM.
LogImplJDK14 This is an actual implementation of the logging interface used by the JDK 14 logger.
LogImplJUnit This is an actual implementation of the logging interface used by the JUnit logger.
LogImplSLF4JLogging This is an actual implementation of the logging interface used by SLF4J logger.
LogImplWebguiLogging This is a simple logger for the Kieker WebGUI.
SimpleConsoleLoggingFormatter A formatter for the logging to the console which is used by the Kieker tools.
SimpleFileLoggingFormatter A formatter for the logging to files which is used by the Kieker tools.

Kieker 1.10

Copyright 2014 Kieker Project,