Kieker 1.8

Uses of Class

Packages that use MonitoringRecordException

Uses of MonitoringRecordException in kieker.common.record

Methods in kieker.common.record that throw MonitoringRecordException
static Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord> AbstractMonitoringRecord.classForName(String classname)
          This method tries to find a monitoring record class with the given name.
static IMonitoringRecord AbstractMonitoringRecord.createFromArray(Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord> clazz, Object[] values)
          This method creates a new monitoring record from the given data.
static IMonitoringRecord AbstractMonitoringRecord.createFromByteBuffer(int clazzid, ByteBuffer buffer, IRegistry<String> stringRegistry)
static IMonitoringRecord AbstractMonitoringRecord.createFromStringArray(Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord> clazz, String[] values)
static Class<?>[] AbstractMonitoringRecord.typesForClass(Class<? extends IMonitoringRecord> clazz)
          This method delivers the types array of the given class, either by finding the declared field (in case of a factory record) or via the getValueTypes method.

Kieker 1.8

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