Kieker 1.8

Uses of Interface

Packages that use MIProject

Uses of MIProject in kieker.analysis

Methods in kieker.analysis that return MIProject
 MIProject AnalysisController.getCurrentConfiguration()
          This method delivers the current configuration of this instance as an instance of MIProject.
 MIProject IProjectContext.getCurrentConfiguration()
          This method delivers the current configuration of this instance as an instance of MIProject.
static MIProject AnalysisController.loadFromFile(File file)
          This method can be used to load a meta model instance from a given file.

Methods in kieker.analysis with parameters of type MIProject
static AnalysisController.AnalysisControllerWithMapping AnalysisController.createAnalysisController(MIProject project, ClassLoader classLoader)
          This is a factory method which can be used to create a new instance of AnalysisController, but delivers the mapping between the MIProject and the actual analysis.
static void AnalysisController.saveToFile(File file, MIProject project)
          This method can be used to save the given instance of MIProject within a given file.

Constructors in kieker.analysis with parameters of type MIProject
AnalysisController(MIProject project)
          Creates a new instance of the class AnalysisController but uses the given instance of MIProject to construct the analysis.
AnalysisController(MIProject project, ClassLoader classLoader)
          Creates a new instance of the class AnalysisController but uses the given instance of @link{Project} to construct the analysis.

Uses of MIProject in kieker.analysis.model

Methods in kieker.analysis.model that return MIProject
static MIProject MetaModelHandler.javaToMetaModel(Collection<AbstractReaderPlugin> readers, Collection<AbstractFilterPlugin> filters, Collection<AbstractRepository> repositories, Collection<MIDependency> dependencies, String projectName, Configuration globalConfiguration)
          This method can be used to convert the current analysis configuration (which is represented by Java objects) into a meta model.
static MIProject MetaModelHandler.loadProjectFromFile(File file)
          Loads a meta model project instance from the given file.

Methods in kieker.analysis.model with parameters of type MIProject
static void MetaModelHandler.metaModelToJava(MIProject mProject, AnalysisController ac, Collection<MetaModelHandler.PluginConnection> pluginConnections, Collection<MetaModelHandler.RepositoryConnection> repositoryConnections, Collection<MIDependency> dependencies, ClassLoader classLoader, Configuration globalConfiguration, Map<MIRepository,AbstractRepository> repositoryMap, Map<MIPlugin,AbstractPlugin> pluginMap)
          This method can be used to convert a given analysis meta model instance to the actual java instances.
static void MetaModelHandler.saveProjectToFile(File file, MIProject project)
          Saves the given meta model project to the given file.

Uses of MIProject in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel

Methods in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel that return MIProject
 MIProject MIAnalysisMetaModelFactory.createProject()
          Returns a new object of class 'Project'.

Uses of MIProject in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.impl

Classes in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.impl that implement MIProject
 class MProject
          An implementation of the model object 'Project'.

Methods in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.impl that return MIProject
 MIProject MAnalysisMetaModelFactory.createProject()

Uses of MIProject in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.util

Methods in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.util with parameters of type MIProject
 T AnalysisMetaModelSwitch.caseProject(MIProject object)
          Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'Project'.

Uses of MIProject in

Constructors in with parameters of type MIProject
KaxViz(String filename, MIProject mProject, String outFilename)

Kieker 1.8

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