Kieker 1.7


Interface Summary
IGraphOutputtingFilter<G extends AbstractGraph<?,?,?>> Interface for graph-outputting filters.
IGraphProducingFilter<G extends AbstractGraph<?,?,?>> Interface for graph-producing filters.

Class Summary
AbstractExecutionTraceProcessingFilter This is the abstract base for a filter processing execution traces.
AbstractGraphProducingFilter<G extends AbstractGraph<?,?,?>> Abstract superclass for graph-producing filters.
AbstractInvalidExecutionTraceProcessingFilter This is an abstract base for filters processing invalid execution traces.
AbstractMessageTraceProcessingFilter This is an abstract base for components which process message traces.
AbstractTimestampFilter Deprecated. To be removed in Kieker 1.8
AbstractTraceIdFilter Deprecated. To be removed in Kieker 1.8
AbstractTraceProcessingFilter This is an abstract base for filters processing traces.

Kieker 1.7

Copyright 2013 Kieker Project,