Kieker 1.6

Class DummyWriter

  extended by kieker.monitoring.writer.AbstractMonitoringWriter
      extended by kieker.monitoring.writer.DummyWriter
All Implemented Interfaces:
IMonitoringRecordReceiver, IMonitoringWriter

public class DummyWriter
extends AbstractMonitoringWriter

A writer that does nothing but consuming records.

Andre van Hoorn, Jan Waller

Constructor Summary
DummyWriter(Configuration configuration)
Method Summary
 void init()
          Implementing classes should indicate an initialization error by throwing an Exception.
 boolean newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord record)
          Called for each new record.
 void terminate()
          Called by the Monitoring Controller to announce a shutdown of monitoring.
Methods inherited from class kieker.monitoring.writer.AbstractMonitoringWriter
getConfiguration, setController, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DummyWriter(Configuration configuration)
Method Detail


public boolean newMonitoringRecord(IMonitoringRecord record)
Description copied from interface: IMonitoringRecordReceiver
Called for each new record. Notice, that this method should not throw an exception, but indicate an error by the return value false.

record - the record.
true on success; false in case of an error.


public void terminate()
Description copied from interface: IMonitoringWriter
Called by the Monitoring Controller to announce a shutdown of monitoring. Writers should return as soon as it is safe to terminate Kieker.


public void init()
Description copied from class: AbstractMonitoringWriter
Implementing classes should indicate an initialization error by throwing an Exception.

Kieker 1.6

Copyright 2012 Kieker Project,