Kieker 1.6

Package kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel

Interface Summary
MIAnalysisMetaModelFactory The Factory for the model.
MIAnalysisMetaModelPackage The Package for the model.
MIAnalysisMetaModelPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
MIDependency A representation of the model object 'Dependency'.
MIDisplay A representation of the model object 'Display'.
MIDisplayConnector A representation of the model object 'Display Connector'.
MIFilter A representation of the model object 'Filter'.
MIInputPort A representation of the model object 'Input Port'.
MIOutputPort A representation of the model object 'Output Port'.
MIPlugin A representation of the model object 'Plugin'.
MIPort A representation of the model object 'Port'.
MIProject A representation of the model object 'Project'.
MIProperty A representation of the model object 'Property'.
MIReader A representation of the model object 'Reader'.
MIRepository A representation of the model object 'Repository'.
MIRepositoryConnector A representation of the model object 'Repository Connector'.
MIView A representation of the model object 'View'.

Kieker 1.6

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