Kieker 1.10

Uses of Interface

Packages that use MIAnalysisComponent

Uses of MIAnalysisComponent in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel

Subinterfaces of MIAnalysisComponent in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel
 interface MIFilter
          A representation of the model object 'Filter'.
 interface MIPlugin
          A representation of the model object 'Plugin'.
 interface MIReader
          A representation of the model object 'Reader'.
 interface MIRepository
          A representation of the model object 'Repository'.

Uses of MIAnalysisComponent in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.impl

Classes in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.impl that implement MIAnalysisComponent
 class MAnalysisComponent
          An implementation of the model object 'Analysis Component'.
 class MFilter
          An implementation of the model object 'Filter'.
 class MPlugin
          An implementation of the model object 'Plugin'.
 class MReader
          An implementation of the model object 'Reader'.
 class MRepository
          An implementation of the model object 'Repository'.

Uses of MIAnalysisComponent in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.util

Methods in kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.util with parameters of type MIAnalysisComponent
 T AnalysisMetaModelSwitch.caseAnalysisComponent(MIAnalysisComponent object)
          Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'Analysis Component'.

Kieker 1.10

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