Class CurrentTimeEventGenerationFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:
IAnalysisComponent, IFilterPlugin, IPlugin

public class CurrentTimeEventGenerationFilter
extends AbstractFilterPlugin
1.15 ported to teetime
Generates time events with a given resolution based on the timestamps of incoming IMonitoringRecords.
  1. The first record received via inputTimestamp(Long) immediately leads to a new TimestampRecord with the given timestamp.
  2. The timestamp of the first record is stored as firstTimestamp and future events are generated at firstTimestamp + i * timerResolution.
  3. Future IMonitoringRecord may lead to future TimestampRecord as follows:
    1. A newly incoming IMonitoringRecord with logging timestamp tstamp leads to the new timer events satisfying firstTimestamp + i * timerResolution < tstamp.
It is guaranteed that the generated timestamps are in ascending order.
Andre van Hoorn