Class CPUsDetailedPercConverter


public class CPUsDetailedPercConverter
extends java.lang.Object
Converts and stores CPU percentages (of i.e., User + Sys + Nice + Wait) The conversion is made by collecting the ticks at two different times, calculating the deltas and by calculating the relative values. The last calculated relative values (percentages) are stored in lastConversion. Specific metrics can be accessed by the given getters.
Matteo Sassano
  • Constructor Details

    • CPUsDetailedPercConverter

      public CPUsDetailedPercConverter​(int coreIndex)
      CPUsDetailedPercConverter constructor.
      coreIndex - holds the CPU core index
  • Method Details

    • passNewProcessorLoadTicks

      public void passNewProcessorLoadTicks​(long[] processorLoadTicks)
      Stores a new measurement spot for a given CPU core. The new measurement spot must be measured at least one second after the last one. Otherwise, the invocation of this method will be ignored. In the normal case, passing new measurements leads to a shift of the last ones to processorLoadTicksT0 measurement and the new ones are stored in processorLoadTicksT1
      processorLoadTicks - the new measurements at the current time
    • convertToPercentage

      public void convertToPercentage()
      Calculates the percentages of system, nice, user,... by utilizing the difference of two measurement spots. (processorLoadTicksT0 and processorLoadTicksT1). The second measurement spot must be measured at least one second later than the first one. If the second measurement spot is not available yet, the average percentages starting from the boot start will be calculated. If neither the first nor the second measurement spot is available, nothing will be calculated. The results are stored in lastConvesion
    • getSystemPerc

      public double getSystemPerc()
      the system utilization of the given core.
    • getNicePerc

      public double getNicePerc()
      the nice of the given core.
    • getWaitPerc

      public double getWaitPerc()
      the I/O wait of the given core.
    • getUserPerc

      public double getUserPerc()
      the user utilization of the given core.
    • getIrqPerc

      public double getIrqPerc()
      the IRQ of the given core.
    • getIdlePerc

      public double getIdlePerc()
      the IDLE of the given core.
    • getCombinedPerc

      public double getCombinedPerc()
      the combined utilization of the given core.
    • getCoreIndex

      public int getCoreIndex()
      the core index related to the converter.